Wednesday, 10 December 2008

If you don’t know

By Aini – 17 Nov 08 @ 08.00

If you don’t know what to do
Just clear your mind
From all the things
Just leave behind

And free your mind
Or walk around
Wherever you want

Go and see in everything
Your eyes might go
Don’t make any…

Wrong decision
That you will regret…
So Just free yourself

Sometimes we just blank
And not knowing what to do
Or even what to feel
And not knowing what to think

But we must believe
There’s always something
Behind all condition
And trust it will reveee…al
For everything in reee….aaaal

Ho o ho ooooo….

Back to reff.


Friday, 5 December 2008

Work when we need it!!

We cannot disown that working is a primary thing in our life, especially if we are the ‘financial heart’ of the family. Now the real question is, do we have to accept any job that is available when we need one? Moreover, when we are desperately need one.

Somewhere between fulfilling our basic needs and getting an ideal job, there is always the gap, where many people find themselves in a position where they have to choose a job because it is available and it is close enough to the qualifications that they have, although the job is not exactly their 'dream job'.

The never ending needs and personal limitations often force people to sacrifice their preferences in order to survive. Therefore, even though there is nothing really wrong with accepting any job that comes our way, we should really bear in mind that we need to be aware of information about the company we are going to work for, most importantly, its financial position. Now, the next question is, how do we know if a company is in good or stable position?

There are more than one ways to find out about a company’s financial position. First of all, as soon as we are applying for a job, we should research about the company from all sources we can think of, friends, family, newspaper and the internet. Information like the company status, how long it has been around in the industry, business ratios and turnover, vision and mission, and other publicly known information will most likely be easy to find in the internet. If the company is a public company, we can even find their financial statements from public archives.

Second, once we are invited for an interview, when it is our turn to ask questions about the company, make sure we ask as many questions as we need to gain further knowledge about the company, especially the employee benefits and facilities (including leave, pension plan and insurance), career path (how an employee’s performance is reviewed and how an employee’s career steps are structured), and remuneration structure (salary increase based on performance and/or inflation, and bonuses/overtime, if applicable), which, even though not the only concern, but most certainly the most important point that we need to be sure of when we are deciding whether we want to accept a job offer.

Do not worry about asking these questions, as long as you ask them in a proper polite manner. Reputable companies expect their prospective employees to be aware and critical about these employment issues. If the interviewer looks disturbed with your questions, you should consider it as a warning of a less ideal culture or environment within the company.

Third, once you have decided to accept the job, read the contract very carefully. Make sure that you understand each term and clause written in the contract and agree to all of them. Remember!! If the contract has really tedious details or you have difficulties to understand it because it is a long working contract, you can always ask the company for their permission to take the contract home within a day or two, before you sign it. Just be smart!! If you really feel uncomfortable, you should discuss a different term with the employer before you sign the contract. For terms and clauses regarding your rights and responsibilities as an employee, you always have the right to consult the Department of Labour for clarification.

Last but not least, once you have been working for some time, and you find yourself in a situation where your remuneration/benefit package is not suitable for your level or responsibility anymore or you see an opportunity for a promotion or a better remuneration/benefit package, you should discuss this with your employer. Do not ever leave your mind unspoken. After all, you are working for an improvement.

Finally, have a pleasant day at work and success for your career!

By Aini

Thursday, 6 November 2008

Tidak boleh kalah...

Contoh 1: "Bu, ini komputer kok diem aja sih? Padahal aku kan lagi seru mainnya!"

Contoh 2: "Bu, aku disuruh Bu Guru cari artikel tentang peternakan ayam dan bahaya flu burung. Kata teman-teman kalau dari internet lebih gampang dan banyak bahannya, daripada ngumpulin koran bekas. Gimana sih cara pakai internet?"

Contoh 3: "Bu, aku harus bikin laporan kegiatan karya wisata kemarin dengan MS-Word. Ajarin dong, Bu."

Inilah keseharian ibu-ibu rumah tangga di jaman ini. Tidak mungkin lagi para ibu melarang anak-anaknya meyentuh perangkat komputer di saat sang bapak tidak di rumah (sedang bekerja), karena anak-anak bukan saja sekedar ingin mencoba, tapi mereka juga membutuhkan perangkat komputer (termasuk internet) sejak sangat dini, dan para ibu sangat dibutuhkan 'keahlian'-nya untuk membantu dan membimbing anak-anak di rumah.

Kalau sang ibu tidak mahir menggunakan perangkat komputer, repotlah jadinya..

Itu baru untuk awalnya saja.. selanjutnya, komputer dan internet bisa membantu ibu-ibu (dan bapak-bapak dan anak-anak) dalam berbagai hal. Misalnya, mencari alternatif tempat liburan dari berbagai harga, mengatur keuangan keluarga, sampai mencari teman diskusi untuk berbagai 'tantangan' sehari-hari (termasuk menu makan anak, dll.)

Kesimpulannya.. komputer dan internet sangatlah berguna bagi ibu rumah tangga. Jangan sampai rasa asing dan takut kita terhadap perangkat komputer ini menghalangi kesempatan kita untuk membawa keluarga kita ke arah yang lebih baik.

Relationship between Computer and Full-Time Mums

This is the basic of the situation that we are facing right now.. The situation that led us to decide to try to enter this unique world a little deeper, little by little.

What do full-time mums use computer for? Moreover.. is computer a necessity for full-time mums?

If you want to know the answer, please keep following this blog.

If you would like to leave a comment, suggestion or send us your article, please do so by filling out the form provided. Your comments and suggestions will help us improve this site.

Thank you.
Aini, Indri, Ike.


Hubungan antara Komputer dan Ibu Rumah Tangga

Inilah sesungguhnya akar dari seluruh situasi yang kami (dan kita) hadapi sekarang.. Situasi yang membuat kami bertiga memutuskan untuk mencoba memasuki dunia unik ini lebih dalam, sedikit demi sedikit.

Buat apa sih ibu rumah tangga pakai komputer?? Terus.. memangnya internet ada gunanya untuk ibu rumah tangga??

Kalau mau tau jawabannya, silakan baca terus blog ini.

Kalau ingin berkomentar, memberi saran atau mengirim tulisan, silakan langsung mengisi form komentar (comment form) yang tersedia. Komentar dan saran anda akan membantu kami dalam mengembangkan blog ini.

Terima kasih.
Indri, Aini, Ike.